HIT Factory

Unleash Your Inner Music Legend

2 - 3 часа
На закрито
Съревнование и сътрудничество
8 - Неограничен

Описание на програмата

Hit Factory is an engaging team-building challenge where participants work together to create lyrics, compose a song, and produce a music video in just 2-3 hours with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence tools. The activity begins with an inspiring video on the history of music creation. Teams then scan QR codes linking to step-by-step guides on video production and AI tools that support each stage of the process. Hit factory is a fully digital activity with minimal paperwork for a seamless and engaging experience.

The process is split into four key stages:

  1. Writing the lyrics
  2. Learning video production skills with an app
  3. Composing the soundtrack using AI tools
  4. Shooting and editing the music video

Teams kick off the challenge by dividing into two groups—one focused on writing lyrics, the other on mastering video production. They then come together to create a song using an AI music chatbot, experimenting with genre, mood, and style before choosing their final track from up to 10 variations.

Once the song is set, teams bring their vision to life by producing a music video in TikTok. After downloading and submitting their final creation, all videos are showcased, and participants cast their votes to determine the ultimate Hit Song!

Резултати за развитието на екипа

In Hit Factory, participants will strengthen their teamwork, creativity, communication, and project management skills while collaborating on songwriting and video production. They'll leverage advanced AI tools and digital platforms throughout the process. This creative team-building challenge also promotes problem-solving and fosters an innovation-driven mindset under time constraints. Participants gain practical experience with AI tools and digital apps, all within a fun and engaging environment that boosts morale and encourages creative self-expression.

AI Team Building Activity

AI Team Building Activities Logo

Тази дейност е създадена, за да използва изкуствен интелект (ИИ). Геймификацията на ИИ в тази програма създава безопасна и ангажираща среда за натрупване на практически опит с инструменти за ИИ в екип. Резултатите са многопластови и предоставят ценни прозрения, а могат и да бъдат приложени на практика в работното място. Кликнете тук за повече тиймбилдинг програми, в които се ползва AI.

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